EDITORS' INTRODUCTION | Chase Dimock & Amy King | LGBT Writing and the 21st Century |
Kelli Connell | Double Life |
Alicia Anderson |
Consuelo Arias | From New York City to Mar Chiquita: Evocations of a Singular Friendship |
Merrill Cole | The Blond Sheep | |
David Eye | Messages from Howard | |
Tyler Gillespie | Rt now sum1 is writin a Youtube Com3nt | |
Deborah La Garbanza | The Shalom Sisters | |
Kelly Miller | Unrequited | |
FICTION | Carolyn Boll |
Do You Know the Way |
Elissa Cahn | ||
Jane Eaton Hamilton |
Susan Oke |
Not This Time | |
Susan Lynn Solomon |
Reunion | |
POETRY | Terry Adams | |
Gabriella M. Belfiglio | Cinderella Washington DC 2004 | |
Allison Blevins | ||
Melissa Buckheit | When You're Dead | |
David Eye |
Donna Fleischer | November | |
J.D. Isip |
R.B. Mertz | Crack | |
Jennifer Morales | Yearning | |
Bob Petersen | On Plumstead Common | |
Robin Reagler | The Heights | |
Diana Rickard | Café des Artistes | |
Lee Colin Thomas | ||
Dionisio Cañas Translated by Consuelo Arias |
"A simple HIV test..." |