by Jerrod E. Bohn


In tree blown slippers’ nightingale
              gauze she remembers awake
              a squawk         murder of angels
zither   less crave of field

crows               Grafts feathers fallen (one two
              other) some sewn into her hair
              sleeves woven limb to laurel
leaves plunking gut strings above

her head          Want:  haloes of glass
              beads                 the kind drunk girls
              noosen their necks       but when asked
she’ll flash freck (cuneiform

breasts)                           siphon funnel nettles
              to starling        Breath:  not the lack
              lusts her of carousel (repeat
calliope stem hush)    full

seraphim full fury                      Plays lyre
              true she can dance       in corn
              gown revival tents clear
water (whiskey girls no shame

all bracken       reed)   Recall:
              covey of maudlin merry mag
              pie        harpy’s sick chords tame
boring               drill-like            her marigolds.


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